Submission closed
Full Paper Submission Procedure
Authors are invited to submit theoretical and empirical papers on the suggested topics (submission of abstracts or synopses will not be accepted). Papers will be evaluated and selected by the committee members in their specific area.
Papers should be submitted electronically (pdf only) no later than February 15th, 2016 (midnight, Eastern US time = GMT -5h) using Conference Maker.
Student Submission
Graduate students should indicate so when they submit their papers to the IAAE Conference, on the Conference Maker site, as this will make them eligible to receive travel sponsorship on a competitive basis, and to participate in the Student Prize contest.
Student Prize
The IAAE will award a 500 USD prize for the best paper presented by a graduate student in a regular or poster session. To be eligible, candidates’ paper submissions should be followed up by a letter from a professor certifying that the submitter is a graduate student in good standing. Papers co-authored with senior economists will not be considered. The paper should be submitted through Conference Maker. The letter should be submitted electronically to The winner will be announced during the conference.